Tag Archive | Spring

Spring Beauty

Yes, Spring is here! Here in Michigan some folks are afraid that it’s already come and gone (that weird couple of weeks of seriously unseasonably hot weather), but the plants are blooming.
As you can see, the moths are happy with my lilac bush. I’ve had this bush for a few years, and one on the other side of the house since we moved in (16 years ago), we’ve never had that many moths flitting around – 10 at one time. Plenty of bees though.

I was told that all those moths were there to bring blessings to my home and surroundings. Another told me this is a blessing of my life. I can live with this. I simply thought it was great seeing all those creatures enjoying the lilacs.

People say it’s good to count your blessings. Me, I’m just happy to have blessings. The blessing of being able to work – in spite of my health. The blessing of my husband beating his cancer. Basically, just the blessing of being alive is making me happy. Some of the challenges aren’t any fun at all, but those can be blessings in their own unique way. If one doesn’t have challenges to learn from how can one improve and learn to be a better person?

So dear reader, I hope you enjoy this season and the beauty that’s all around. (hopefully those with allergies – like me – can enjoy too!)